
He's so Good to Me!

I have been reflecting the past couple of days on how good God has been to us.  It has been a summer full of Blessings and miracles that only God can do!  Just to name a few...

1- Jehovah Jireh, My Provider 
I am getting a promotion at work, which is not only great because, hello, it's a promotion, but it's actually something I enjoy doing.  I am an analytical, attention-to-detail type of person.  The Lord has brought me to a place in my career at EOG where my job description is to actually be the OCD person I am!  How great is that!  Most people who know me know that I worked at EOG as a contractor for over 2 years.  I felt discouraged that no matter how many times my boss promised me that I would be hired on as a company employee, something or someone always stopped that from happening.  I felt unappreciated for the work that I was doing.  I felt frustrated.  I didn't have insurance which meant I could never go to the doctor when I was sick and that I had to continue dealing with the bunion I had that was giving me a lot of pain.  Well, God is always on time.  "There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven." Ecclesiastes 3:1

One month before getting married, I was finally hired!  Just in time to get myself and Brock some much needed insurance and benefits.  Just in time to get paid vacation hours for our honeymoon.  What a blessing to be able to enjoy a week in Hawaii with my new husband without worrying about the money I would have been losing on pay day.  Now, a few months later, my hard work over the past 3 years is paying off and I am getting promoted!  God is Good, All the Time! (Shout out to Mary Carter there!) :) I feel appreciated.  Accomplished.  At Peace.  Encouraged.  Blessed.

2- Jehovah Rophe, Healer and Jehovah Shalom, my Prince of Peace
I have seen God's healing hand this year!  I believe our church, Diamond Oaks Worship Center, is a place where miracles happen and prayers are answered.  

First- In December, one of our members (a Sunday school teacher) was in a terrible accident.  She suffered so many injuries that I can't even remember them right now.  She was in the hospital for weeks and our church was getting everyone we know to pray for her life and her healing and recovery.  Now, she is one of seven people EVER, to survive an internal decapitation!  She is back teaching her Sunday school class which I know makes her happy.  She is such a joy to everyone she encounters-and what a great testimony she has!

Second- A few weeks ago, my very best friend went to have a mole removed from her leg.  The next day the doctor called her back into his office and told her it was melanoma.  When she told me, I was kind of speechless.  This is my best friend, the sunscreen queen.  She can't have skin cancer.  How is that possible?  She was referred to an oncologist and he quickly scheduled surgery for the next week.  The ladies of our church all decided to set aside time to fast breakfast and pray one morning.  While I was praying, I was reminded of the father in Mark chapter 9 who asks Jesus to heal his sick child saying "If you can".  Jesus replied, "If you can?  Everything is possible for him who believes."  The man replied, "I do believe, help me overcome my unbelief".  I started to pray this prayer "Help my unbe--" and I stopped myself right there.  I realized, I didn't have any unbelief in this matter.  In my soul, I believed that God would heal her.  There was no doubt in my mind that she would be cancer-free.  So fast-forward a few days and it is surgery time.  I had to work so I just asked her husband or mom to let me know when she was out of surgery.  Well, almost 2 hours pass from the time her 45-minute surgery is supposed to start and I have not heard from anyone.  I start to get a little uneasy.  I have had praise and worship music on in my office but wasn't really paying attention to it.  The very next words that a sung say "Be still my soul, be still.  Wait patiently upon the Lord.  Be still my soul, be still."  Once again, God is always on time!  I was immediately at peace again.  Well, she had her surgery and although she may still be in pain, the reports have come back- she has no cancer in her body!  Praise God!

Ok, this has been a really long post and I can assure you that future blogs will probably not be this long :) but I just had to give God glory because he is Mighty and Worthy to be Praised!  So if you're in a state of waiting, doubt, discouragement, worry, or (I could go on and on) anything that does not speak Peace right now, be encouraged!  Have faith that God can do what He says He can do! (Beth Moore, Believing God- Great book!)  Know that "in all things God works for the good of those who love him!" (Romans 8:28).

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